Has communication with family, school authorities, neighbours, building contractors or work colleagues broken down? Is the legal route too expensive or you are looking for alternatives to help you resolve the conflict effectively? If you answer any of these questions with yes, then you may benefit from mediation.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is a voluntary, confidential and impartial process that can be used at any stage in a dispute. It is an effective way of resolving issues without involving the police, the courts, or any other agency: and it still works even if any of the above are already involved because it can take place while other options are also being pursued or explored.
When is Mediation used?
Denis is experienced in mediating in a very wide range of disputes including family (including divorce, child and finance-related issues), work-place, boundary and construction, education and health-related problems.
If you are experiencing difficulties where communication has broken down, or the legal option is too expensive or unlikely to help you produce a sustainable solution, Denis can support you in finding a solution that works for you, that relieves your stress and isn’t a perpetual drain on your finances.
Mediation keeps the costs – financial and emotional - of a dispute from spiraling and ensures that ‘solutions’ are not imposed on anyone involved: A mediator will ensure that any solutions are the creation of those involved and affected.
Please contact Denis for fees and further details
Contact Denis
0777 333 0965